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Tina Marples


Tina is a very hard-working individual who has gone above and beyond to expand her knowledge in the area to support the locals. Tina's enthusiasm and zest for community connectedness in addition to her drive for business development is inspiring.

Tina has advocated for community connections for seniors through Chartwell homes, encouraged younger people to get more involved in the horticulture industry and connected it to downtown Brockville's beautification efforts. She has most recently encouraged the rejuvenation of the south district chamber of commerce with her involvement at Price Point Johnstown.

Tin has shown her dedication to the community through volunteering at Town BBQ's, being a sponsor to small businesses to help their development, garbage pick up Earth day, supplying food for BBQ's, providing shuttle drives for people who need assistance with their vehicles, and sponsoring golf tournaments. 

Tina has a degree in Interdisciplinary Fine Arts from NSCAD University in Halifax, and it shows. She has worked with Seniors helping them transfer into retirement living for 10+ years. She now has taken on the task of running the Price Point Auto Johnstown Location with her husband to help bring people into the community and provide the town a safe and reliable place to take their vehicles too. Tina is also well known for her photography skills; she went to school for art before returning home and securing a career at Chartwell. She most recently followed her family's entrepreneurial spirit, as both her parents being small business owners in the community and joined forces with her husband taking over Price Point in Johnstown.

Tina is enthusiastic, she always offers a helping hand and deeply loves our community.



Tina Marples
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Mailing address (Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce):
3 Market Street West, Suite #1

Brockville, ON K6V 7L2


Telephone: (613) 342-6553

Fax: (613) 342-6849

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