Young Professionals Network
Strategic Planning (2020-2024)
In 2010, the Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce launched a “Future Leaders” membership initiative. This initiative was intended to get young business owners and professionals more engaged in the community by offering Chamber memberships at a reduced rate. From this, the Brockville Young Professionals Network was born!
Since 2010, the YPN membership has grown to over 500 young professionals in the Brockville & surrounding area. The intent of the YPN is to foster connectivity; develop and grow membership through networking events; provide opportunities for professional development; and advocate for what matters most to young professionals in the area.
YPN Strategic Planning (2020-2024)
The goal of the 2020-2024 Strategic Planning session was to reflect on the past, discuss our vision for the future, and strategize how current leadership can bridge this gap. To prepare for this session, current executive members reviewed the previous strategic plan and reflected on events held over the recent years.
The YPN 2020-2024 Strategic Planning session was facilitated by the President of the Brockville Chamber of Commerce (Keeley Patterson) and the Manager of the Leeds Grenville Small Business Enterprise Centre (Wendy Onstein). The strategic planning session was facilitated at City Hall in the Leeds Grenville SBEC on November 16th, 2019.
Good – The executive was impressed with how well the Top 40 under 40 event was received by the Brockville community. Similar emotions were felt about the Amazing Chase event as well as the financial literacy and first time homebuyer workshops.
Bad – There was a fair bit of turnover within the executive, which created continuity issues due to a lack of member overlap. This highlighted our need for a better onboarding process for new executive members. Experiences in 2019 also indicated that our current process for building our executive team needs to be more rigorous so that we can attract and retain the best candidates.
Goal the future – Work to ensure the YPN is a sustainable entity that will continue to create value for the young professional community into the future.
YPN Strategic Plan
Connect our members with the business community
Develop opportunities for professional growth
Promote visibility of Young Professionals in the community
Advocate for the interests of our membership
We are the leading networking organization for Young Professionals in Leeds Grenville
Diverse, Inclusive, Fun, Resourceful, Progressive
Strategic Priorities
We have four strategic priority pillars, each one representing a different mission statement. Below, we have outlined specific action items that are aligned with each pillar. Each action item specifies a current board member that is most responsible as well as a projected timeline for completion.
Connect with local businesses
Ensure YPN is sustainable...
Grow executive team
Grow current membership
Develop professional, social and physical skills of membership by hosting events
Promote YPN and its members using social media and other platforms
Advocate on behalf of YPN membership