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Terri Dentz

Terri works with her family at Tincap Berry Farm. She spends her time at the farm year-round managing the barn market, working on the farm’s administration, online presence and preserving kitchen. She believes building genuine connections with others is what life is all about.

Before she returned to the farm in 2020, Terri earned an honours degree in business marketing.  She participated in her university’s co-op program working in wholesale floral sales and then ran a wholesale canning business. After university, Terri worked in Hamilton and Brockville for other organizations in marketing and business development roles. 

Now that she’s part of her family's business year-round, Terri brings her own expertise and ideas to the business. She loves the wide variety of work she does, and the opportunity to share the farm and its produce with our community. 

Terri Dentz
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Mailing address (Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce):
3 Market Street West, Suite #1

Brockville, ON K6V 7L2


Telephone: (613) 342-6553

Fax: (613) 342-6849

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