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Eve Moir

Eve was born and raised in Brockville. She attended OCAD

University in Toronto where she achieved an undergraduate

degree in Environmental Design. She continued working in

interior design until deciding to start her own business in

furniture design.

STUDIO EVEN began as an e-commerce platform in 2021 for

Eve’s custom concrete furniture and small scale home wares.

Upon moving back to Brockville in 2022, Eve opened a retail

location at 164 King Street West. STUDIO EVEN is now a

blended studio + retail + coffee shop, showcasing her work

along with 25+ Canadian makers.

Eve has created an outlet that brings the art and design

community together in Brockville. She is a board member of the

DBIA and continues to work hard at improving downtown


Eve Moir
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Mailing address (Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce):
3 Market Street West, Suite #1

Brockville, ON K6V 7L2


Telephone: (613) 342-6553

Fax: (613) 342-6849

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