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Emily Pringle

In 2020, Emily saw a need for the English horseback riding community in Leeds and Greenville and there started her dream of annual horse show competitions that were both easy to access and inclusive. She was able to bring multiple levels of equestrians together for a relaxing event. 

She just completed a private degree from EPC Solutions that focuses on farrier work specializing in hoof rehabilitation. This has been a passion of Emily’s for many years due to the journey her own horse has gone through.

Emily also works at 3M, and has been featured in marketing campaigns for her dedication to string work ethics in the production of n95 masks.

She has had a photography business since she was out of high school and has since upgraded and expanded her equipment. Weddings are her favorite for capturing the beautiful new step in someone’s relationship. 

Emily is a great leader with a strong work ethic, who is loyal and passionate about the work she does and the people she does it with. 

Emily Pringle
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Mailing address (Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce):
3 Market Street West, Suite #1

Brockville, ON K6V 7L2


Telephone: (613) 342-6553

Fax: (613) 342-6849

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