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Allison Hess

Allison is an educator, arts administrator, and performer. She has graced stages big and small across

Ontario, including the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, and has worked with young performers across the

Greater Toronto Area and Eastern Ontario, specializing in theatre for children aged three to seven.

Allison has a double degree in Music and Education from McGill University, a diploma in Music Theatre-

Performance from St. Lawrence College in Brockville, and a Graduate Certificate in Arts Management

from Centennial College. Allison previously worked as Program Director for Randolph College for the

Performing Arts Kids Program in Toronto and as an instructor at Centennial College.

Currently, Allison is the Education & Engagement Manager at the Thousand Islands Playhouse in

Gananoque, running engagement events connecting audiences to productions, summer and March

break camps, and other educational opportunities for local youth and adults alike.

Most recently, Allison spearheaded the revamped Thousand Islands Playhouse Young Company,

collaborating with Gananoque Secondary School and the Upper Canada District School Board. This

program invites over twenty Gananoque Secondary School students to spend the semester at the

Thousand Islands Playhouse, learning about every area of theatre production (carpentry, scenic painting,

wardrobe, lighting/sound, props, stage management, and performance). The students then work with

the Playhouse’s professional production staff to create a fully staged production that is performed for

elementary students across the region.

Allison Hess
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Mailing address (Brockville & District Chamber of Commerce):
3 Market Street West, Suite #1

Brockville, ON K6V 7L2


Telephone: (613) 342-6553

Fax: (613) 342-6849

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