Michelle Hunniford
Co-Chair (2020 - ), Director, Advocacy (2018 - 2020)
Michelle Hunniford is the National Animal Care Specialist at Burnbrae Farms. Born and raised in Cambridge, Ontario to teacher parents, Michelle attended Queen’s University and then the University of Guelph to follow her passion for working with animals. After graduating with a PhD in Poultry Behaviour and Welfare from Guelph in 2017, Michelle migrated to the Brockville area to pursue a career with Burnbrae Farms.
Michelle has been involved in the Brockville Young Professionals since 2018, and is the newest Chair. She is also a board member for the Brockville and District Chamber of Commerce, as well as member of their Advocacy Committee.
Being from outside of Brockville has provided unique insights into what makes this place great, and has fueled a passion to help attract other young professionals to this amazing area.